Black Lives Matter at School
Ann Arbor Academy proudly supports the Black Lives Matter movement for social justice. We know that all lives cannot matter until Black lives do, and we have incorporated the Black Lives Matter at School curriculum in various ways throughout our school this year, and will continue to do so in years to come.
Research and practice have shown us that when the identities of our students are recognized and celebrated, students relax, learn, and grow to reach their potential. A pedagogical lens which includes and celebrates the experience of Black Americans has been shown to improve learning outcomes for all children, of all races and ethnicities. Our students have learning disabilities, autism, and ADHD, but they are also Black, brown, white, Asian, and Native American. They move through the world carrying many identities, all of which impact how they are seen and how they interact.
We seek to lift up all our students, and Black Lives Matter at School helps us to very specifically do that by centering the experiences of our Black and brown students in a real and meaningful way. Those experiences and identities are often overlooked, the stories they tell not heard in society. Our school has a focus on equity and inclusion, and as such we embrace the promise of social justice and progressive education.